David Paulus

We discovered David Paulus through the AO International Trade Show and we were blown away by his innate talent. Born and raised in Curaçao (Netherlands) his inspiration is coming from pop art and cartoons. David creates ‘Art Couture’ and is in that way non-conforming to the regular world of fashion and Art.

When David Paulus discovers his talent in the fashion world?

I already discovered my talent when I was little, I made my mother help me with making dolls and I looked at my grandmother who always made her own dresses. I can remember when I used to give fashion shows in the garden.

It is clearly the versatility and originality in the collections. How did the David Paulus brand come about?

15 years ago a friend of mine has an old sewing machine where I made my first piece of clothing and that’s how david paulus studio was founded.

David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus

What is your source of inspiration?

My sources of inspiration are cartoons, animation films, pop art.

David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus

In the beginning, what were the challenges faced in your career?

At the beginning of my career there was not enough money to do this art. You cannot buy materials without money.

It made it evident in your biography that your differential is in the “vision”. By the way, what is David Paulus’ vision?

My vision is that I want to make people happy and inspire them.

David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus

Do you have any references in the fashion angolan market?

I have no references in Angola, but you never know what the future will bring.

Born in Curaçao and raised in the Netherlands. How do you define the Dutch fashion world?

The dutch fashion is basic, denim T shirt en basic colors, like black, brown. but you do have a new generation that will wear more pronounced fashion such as many colors and shapes.

What were the fashion events that you have participated in and most marked you?

Amsterdam Fashion Week, London Fashion Week, Paris Fashion Week, Curaçao Fashion Week. And who marked me most was Amsterdam and Paris Fashion Week.

David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus

In three words how do you define the David Paulus brand?

Funny, Colorful, Passionate.

What would you like to be improved in fashion in general?

That more black fashion designers and artists are taken seriously.

You are an artist and designer. Tell us a little bit about this explosive combination.

It’s hard as a black artist, you have to prove yourself more each time.

I use natural fabrics and materials as much as possible.

What can we expect in terms of upcoming collections/projects?

For my fashion I have a little break because I am now studying to become a teacher of fine arts and design.

David Paulus
David Paulus
David Paulus

Finally, Baiga Magazine is…


David Paulus, born and raised in Curaçao (Netherlands), is one of the self-educated and self-supporting upcoming artists and fashion designers. David Paulus differs from most young designers in his vision. David creates ‘Art Couture’ and is in that way non-conforming to the regular world of fashion and Art.

David has shown some spectacular themes such as “Alice & the dolls” in 2011 (one of his very first shows), “The birth of the psycho” in 2012, “The Nutcracker” in the Talent Lab of the Amsterdam Fashion Week in 2013 and in Paris fashion week 2019. David Paulus not only designs his own fabrics (e.g. sketched portraits of Anna Wintour in his “No Name”-collection in 2013), but also produces all of his own shows; location, models, music, and choreography!

Quote: Let your imagination take over !!